About Us
Discover what makes PFSI the company that it is today.

Our Story
Philippine Film Studios, Inc. (PFSI) is a premier production studio that specializes in multi-location production arrangements for films and television. For over forty years, PFSI has worked with some of the industry’s most prominent names for critically acclaimed projects such as Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now, Oliver Stone’s Platoon, and Tony Gilroy’s The Bourne Legacy. Aside from films, PFSI has also made waves in the reality TV sector with successful shows such as Survivor and The Amazing Race in the firm’s repertoire. Commercials for agencies like Wieden+Kennedy, Droga5, and Hungry Man have also been touched by the hands of PFSI’s creative and hardworking team.
More than just a production company, PFSI is also a catalyst for the promotion of the Philippines and Asia as a premier film location. By hosting productions set in the Philippines, PFSI aims to showcase the undisputed beauty of the nation, and the warm hospitality of the Filipinos that the world has come to love over the years.
About The Team
Behind this successful production company is a set of passionate and professional individuals driven by a common goal: to elevate the status of the Philippines as a premier filming location, and to help share stories from the world’s most talented filmmakers. This team of creative visionaries has worked hand in hand over the years to perfect the craft that PFSI is known for today.
Founded by Lope “Jun” Juban, Jr. in 1979, PFSI has evolved into a full-scale family affair with Jun sharing the passion and art of filmmaking with his children. Jun’s father and brother were the cornerstones that the company built its foundation on and their work paved the way for the company to flourish years after. To this day, Jun and the rest of the family continues to champion the local filmmaking industry, welcoming crews and production teams from the United States, Spain, South Korea, France, United Kingdom, Sweden, Israel, Serbia, Bulgaria, India, Norway, United Arab Emirates, Japan, South Africa, Russia, and Hong Kong to name a few. 40 plus years of consistent excellence, with many more ahead.